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Twitter Plug-in Refreshed

Tuesday, December 27, 2011, 1:42:47 PM

Since Twitter has now changed the way it handles user authentication from 3rd party applications, we have refreshed the Gemini Twitter Plug-in to use Twitter OAuth.

Due the way now Twitter authenticates and allows 3rd party applications to access Twitter accounts, there is some initial set up steps required to get things going. We have neatly packaged this one-off set up process into a simple Authorization application.

Part A– Run the Authorization Application

Download and run the Twitter Plug-in registration and authorization application. Click on the hyperlink in to register your Gemini Twitter Plug-in with the Twitter folks:

Gemini Twitter Authorization Application

A browser window should open where you can quickly register your Twitter plug-in.  The key thing is to ensure that the two options circled below are selected.

Gemini Twitter Authorization Application

Once you have completed this form you will be provided with your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret values.  Put these values back into the application and then click Continue.

Gemini Twitter Authorization Application

In Step 2, click on the hyperlink and a new browser window will appear. You will be asked to DENY or ALLOW your Gemini Twitter Plugin to access your Twitter account. Click ALLOW!

Gemini Twitter Authorization Application

When you have clicked ALLOW, Twitter will give you a PIN – enter this into the PIN field and click Continue. This will save a configuration file (”CounterSoft.Gemini.Plugins.dll.config”) to your Desktop which you will use when installing the Gemini Twitter Plug-in (next seciton).

Part B – Install the Gemini Twitter Plug-in

Download and unzip the Gemini Twitter Plug-in into a folder. The unzipped folder will contain a file called “CounterSoft.Gemini.Plugins.dll.config” – overwrite this file with the identically named file that has been saved to your Desktop (from Part A above).

Copy the entire contents of this folder into the “\bin\plugins” folder where you have installed Gemini.

That’s it. Each time an issue is created, updated or commented upon, a message will be posted to your chosen Twitter account. Within Gemini, you should look at Administration -> System Log to ensure there were no issues with the Twitter Plug-in.

Twitter Plugin Download