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Introducing TFS Source Control Integration

Tuesday, December 27, 2011, 1:35:23 PM

Gemini now integrates with Team Foundation Server’s source control repository enabling file check-in’s to be associated with Gemini issues.


You can install the Gemini Check-in Policy for TFS from the Visual Studio Extension Manager (search “Online” section for “Gemini”) or download directly from the Visual Studio Gallery.

Linking Gemini to TFS Projects

Once installed, here’s how you can link Gemini to your TFS Project (located within Team Explorer). First, associate the Gemini Check-in Policy with your Source Control set up:

Select the Gemini Check-in Policy

Next, click “Add…” on the Check-in Policy tab and select the Gemini Policy:

Associate Gemini Check-in Policy

Click “Edit…” to configure the Gemini Check-in Policy and specify your Gemini credentials:

Specify Gemini Credentials

Once the credentials have been provided, you will see the Gemini Check-in Policy listed under the check-in Policies tab:

Gemini Policy


When committing your work back to your repository, you can specify a Gemini Issue Id’s in the Comment box (specify multiple Issue Id’s like GEM:13 GEM:453 GEM:456):

Specifying Gemini Issue Id

The check-in comment and check-in files will then appear in Gemini against the specified Issue Id:

Gemini Policy

You can even click on the filenames and view the actual source code right in your browser:

Gemini Policy