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Screen Capture and Comments Added by John Smith


I have Screen Capture working, although when it uploads a screenshot and associated comments to an Issue, it says that it's been uploaded by John Smith.

Is this standard practice, or have I misconfigured something?

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Replies (4)
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The user will be the same user that has logged in.

By default admin is John Smith. So if you logged in as admin/admin that is why.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Thanks for that. After further research and testing:

We are using Windows Authentication in IIS.

I have not been able to log in to the Screen Capture utility (to Send) as a Windows Authenticated user (i.e. Domain\Username).

I can only log in as admin ("John Smith") or screen (newly created Gemini-only user "Screen Capture").

However, when Gemini opens up the Issue that I've sent the screnshot to, it logs me on using Windows Authentication - i.e. I can select My Watched Issues and it knows who I am.

Our newly-created Screen Capture user is acceptable as a poster, and preferable to John Smith, but ideally the real user who posted the screenshot should be shown.

Is there any way around this? (I was hopeful that the UserID in the .reg file might be the answer, but I see in another thread that it isn't used.)

· 1
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This seems to be an issue with the screen capture and windows authentication.

We are looking into this. Which version of Gemini are you running?

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Thanks for that.

We're running plain 2.1.1 in Production, but we're testing 2.2.2 with Scheduler 1.4 and Screen Capture 2.3. Other tests are successful, so we should be upgrading Production any day now.

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