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Can a sprint span multiple projects?


I'm interested in using Gemini at my company, but we can't use it if sprints are treated as a project version - which is the case for many issue trackers that I've encountered. We have a team of people that work on multiple projects during each sprint. A sprint is a unit of time, during which each person can schedule and work on tasks during that time. We'd like to do moving items from the backlog, scrum board manipulation, time-tracking, burn-downs, and burn-ups within a single team sprint across all projects.

From a product standpoint, it would be ideal if a sprint is defined as a period of time for a group of people to get work done across any projects. That way multiple teams within a company could have their own sprints (possibly on different schedules) and separate burn-downs. Whether a project version is completed during a sprint is a decision made by people working on the sprint.

If this approach is feasible with Gemeni, I'm very interested. Otherwise, please let me know if + when this approach to scheduling and working is supported.

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Replies (3)
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Currently a sprint is per project, we are looking to introduce sprints that will belong to multiple projects in Q4 this year. However, you could use components to breakdown the project to sub-project thus having sprints that span sub-projects.

··· If I turned each project into a sub-project (which is what I think you're saying), would I still be able to have separate versions per sub-project?john.crimMonday, January 14, 2013, 2:52:15 PM

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Also, I'm assuming this wouldn't be easy for me to code on my own as an add-in or extension, if it won't be out until Q4. But if it would be possible, please let me know.

Alternatively, could I use a custom field to indicate sprint, and use all the milestone/planning/burndown functionality against that field? I assume not.

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No, you won't be able to have version per sub project (component) or do the sprint against a custom field.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing