Gemini Community Support Site

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Gemini 5: Mismatched characters in comments from SubversionConnector


I noticed that some characters in in comments from SubversionConnector are changed. Exmaple:

SVN Log: "R4-8460 - Export projektu pro vzdálené uživatele - pokud jsou konfigurace neveřejné, pak odkazy vyexportovat do souboru v podadresáři Private GEM:8460"

Comment in Gemini: "R4-8460 - Export projektu pro vzdálené uživatele - pokud jsou konfigurace neverejné, pak odkazy vyexportovat do souboru v podadresári Private GEM:8460"

Please note that "ř" is transformed to "r". Could you please fix it in future? It's not urgent, but doesn't looks good.

· 504
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