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Gemini Install: 4.0 to 5.2 Missing Database Objects


The database installation scripts are failing on the upgrade_v4-1.sql script due to the following errors:

Msg 1767, Level 16, State 0, Line 3

Foreign key 'geminiadmappingsglobalgroupsfk' references invalid table 'geminiglobalgroups'.

Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 3

Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

It appears that the referenced table is missing from our 4.0 installation for whatever reason. I need to know how to correct the problem so that I can complete the upgrade.

Thank you.

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Replies (2)
not helpful

It seems like you are running the scripts in the wrong database / schema. Can you please check that?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

That was the issue. The database account that I was using was defaulting to a different schema. Thank you for the quick response.

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