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Alert template - list of available variables


I would like to modify alert templates. Is somewhere, in one doc, list of available variables / properties for alert templates ? Some of these are in Docs for Breeze template, but I dint found similar list for other templates. For example I would like to add creator (user) of new item, create date etc.

Tomcer DIC
· 1
Tomcer DIC
Replies (3)
not helpful

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

I read this part of docs, but I found there is in the alert template used also another variables then in doc for Breeze. I am asking for a list of all available variables, not only for Breeze. For Example there is Model.TheItemsUpdated.Count, Model.ChangeCount used, but these are not in docs.

Tomcer DIC
· 1
Tomcer DIC
not helpful

We update the docs shortly. You can use @Model.TheItem.Reporter for the creator and @Model.TheItem.Created for the created date.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen