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Stream service - log level


Is there any way to set log level (verbosity) of stream service for windows event log ? For testing and new settings is current level of logging very usable. But for production is enough when start and stop service, error and mail processing is logged. There is recorded lot of creating, processing and terminating items in the event log is short time right now.

Tomcer DIC
· 1
Tomcer DIC
Replies (4)
not helpful

Yes, Customize -> Email and untick "Enable diagnostic output".

··· Great, thank you :-)Tomcer DICTuesday, October 23, 2012, 11:18:28 PM

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

The uncheck of Enable diagnostic output cannot be saved. When I uncheck Enable diagnostic output, I can click Save button, I get "Saved" notice, but when I change to other tab and return to mail tab the Enable diagnostic output is checked.

Tomcer DIC
· 1
Tomcer DIC
not helpful

Seems like a bug, you can change it in SQL by running the following in the Gemini database:

update gemini_applicationsettings set settingname='false' where settingname ='SchedulerDebugMode'

Recycle the app pool for Gemini and it should work.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Yeah, it seem to be bug. The checkbox correctly write value to database, but there is error in bindings. false value in database and checkbox is checked.

Tomcer DIC
· 1
Tomcer DIC