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In Gemini v5 are sub-issues/sub-tasks supported?


In previous versions of Gemini we used the sub-issue/sub-task feature extensively to create "parent" tasks and then sub-issues/sub-tasks that were discrete tasks that supported the parent task and assigned to a single individual. Is this feature supported in Gemini 5? I see there is now a "dependency" entity...but i do not see a way to create it from within an existing task - it looks like you have to create the task separately first, then go in and link the primary task to the secondary task vie the dependency link.

Brian Gillette
· 1
Brian Gillette
Replies (1)
not helpful

You can use Dependencies for sub-tasks.

At the moment if you want to plan out a hierarchy click on the PLUS sign TOP RIGHT of the screen and use the Plan tab.

Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola