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SMTP error: InnerException message follows: The handshake failed due to an unexpected packet format


Just installed gemini, and going through the setup. I get to the smtp settings and i get the following error: Socket connection has been refused by remote host. InnerException message follows: The handshake failed due to an unexpected packet format.

I'm using gmail, so i have on port 587 no pop authentication: auto user and password are filled in SMTP SSL: yes encoding: default (i tried all of them)

I do not think a firewall is the issue since from the server desktop i can telnet to 587 and my website is using gmail to send emails.

Any ideas what's going wrong here?

··· Changing the port to 465 seems to have fixed it.IanWednesday, July 18, 2012, 10:43:38 PM
· 1
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