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Can a field be read-only?


If I copy an item from one project to another, is it possible to have a field in the original item read-only in the copied version? Is it possible to change whether a field is either editable or read-only based on a particular event?

Gene Traupman
· 1
Gene Traupman
Replies (3)
not helpful

That is not possible. Can you give an example of why you'd like to do that?

You can make a field read only after item creation.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

How can you make it read-only after item creation?

Gene Traupman
· 1
Gene Traupman
not helpful

Simply amend the edit screen that the type is using. Go to the Administration -> Type page (under items) and edit the type in question, note the edit screen used. Now go to Administration -> Screens under items and edit the screen noted, untick the field so it won't show on edit.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen