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Install Challenges on SBS2011 Server - DB Issues and IIS Issues


As a non-SQLserver expert, I had a few Gemini install challenges that I would like to share. First, the automatic install fail on SBS since the default SQL DB instance in unabailable for installs. I eventually figured out that I had to download SQL Express 2008 R2 With Tools to create a new DB instance that I could use.

Second Challenge was to figure out how to specify the new SQLExpress instance in the Gemini DB creation Tool. I had to enter Localhost\SQLExpress as the Servername.

The third and final hurdle was that after installing the Gemin web app, there was no mention of the syntax for specifying the DB instance as localhost\SQLexpress in the database connection string in the Web.config file.

Hopefully this will save other SBS users a bit of frustration.

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