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Asynchronous execution of SVN Connector


This is not a question, but I just wanted to share something that other people might be interested in. I got the SVN connector solution working, but there were some complaints that the commits were taking too long now. To solve this, I implemented an intermediate script which essentially executes the Gemini-SVN application asynchronously.

Here's the new "post-commit.cmd" code:

wscript %REPOSITORYFOLDER%\hooks\gemini.vbs %1 %2

And here's my "gemini.vbs" script:

Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run(WScript.Arguments(0) & "\hooks\CounterSoft.Gemini.SourceControl.SVN.exe post-commit " & WScript.Arguments(0) & " " & WScript.Arguments(1))

That's it. It's a simple solution, but it definitely improves the user experience by not making the user wait for the Gemini-SVN connector app to complete execution. The SVN commit now completes in the same amount of time as before.



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