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Invalid object name 'gemini_applicationsettings'.


Getting the error: Invalid object name 'gemini_applicationsettings'.

I moved to a new server on shared hosting. Gemini was working okay before the move. The database server has changed from sql2005 to sql2008, we did a backup/restore to move it. What might be causing this error? the app won't come up at all. The FullGeminiURL setting is incorrect since the new site is in staging mode (the domain still points to the old server), but I don't see how this would impact reading the table. The database and connection string appear correct to me and are using the new sql server location.

· 1
Replies (3)
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Please check who is the owenr of the tables (schema) it looks like you have another owner.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Yes, the schema was changed for many of the tables, views and procedures during the restore to sql 2008. The schema change should not have been done, but I had no control over this.

I have changed the schema for the tables and views back to [dbo] but the stored procedures are not cooperating. The script I have to set all the objects is not working for the procedures. I don't know why, and I am looking at manually redoing all of them to set the correct schema. Perhaps you know a script that will work?

· 1
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Just re-run the script provided by the zip download as the Gemini user.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen