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Linking VS2010 to changes


I've installed the VS integration plugin thing, which allows me to view and edit/create items from within the VS2010 IDE. Can I also make it so that when I check in my files to SVN (from vs2010), that I can directly link an item in Gemini to it? I check into SVN using AnkhSVN.


· 1
Replies (1)
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Hi Coo

yes, you can, if you are running the latest version of Gemini, Download the SVN Plugin from here : http://www.geminiplatform.com/downloads/v40/CounterSoft_Gemini_SourceControl_v4_0_1.zip

If you're not running the latest version, post your version here and somewone will send you a link to the approriate version of the Connector..

HTH. Dave

Dave Long
· 1
Dave Long