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New Custom Field Visibility


Each project we create has a list of "Environments" that we create a specific Custom Field for. Currently, we have to go to each Screen and include that new Custom Field. This is easy to mess up since we have a lot of screens. Is there a way to do that automatically?

If that doesn't work, another thought I had is to use a single custom field, and take advantage of the "filter by project id" feature, but I don't see a way to use that feature in a "Static" Custom Field. We need non-programmers to manage the values and are excited about the new ability to edit them directly in Gemini. But is there a way to use those features together?

Thank you for your help!

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Replies (10)
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You should create one custom field that applies to all these projects. If each project need different values you will need to use sql driven lookup custom field filtered by project id. You can still maintain the list via the custom fields admin page (click on the + icon). You will need to create the table yourself (id, desc, projectid).

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

That's great, Mark! Thank you for your quick help.

Unfortunately, I hit a problem. When I try to Add a value to the CF, no value appears, and I get the following error in the log:

Insert Custom Field Lookup row Input string was not in a correct format. mscorlib

My guess is it's because we have a Sort Field in the table, but there's no where to enter that value on the Add Value page. How can we work around that?

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Can you try not specifying a sort field when you define the custom field?

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Good suggestion, Saar. I created a new table in SQL with ID, Desc, and ProjectID, and connected it to a custom field. When I tried to add a value, I got the same error as above. Looks like ProjectID is the problem.

I noticed that if I specified no project ID or sort field, adding values works, but it requires me to enter the "ID" value, which should be a hidden, auto-incrementing field that the user should not have to worry about.

Also, the "Create table in Sql" feature is great, but it does not work with a custom sort field, nor with the ProjectID field. Neither field is created in the db table, so anything that involves that Custom Field fails from that point on.

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··· Note that you can creat the table yourself and populate it via the interface. All you have to do is make sure you have an id, desc and projectid fieldsSaar CohenTuesday, April 19, 2011, 8:32:32 PM

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Thanks for the ticket.

I tried creating a table with id, desc, and projectid fields, and it fails to add values from the interface. Data I put in via SQL shows up, but when I try to add a value in Gemini nothing happens, and the error log says:

Insert Custom Field Lookup row Input string was not in a correct format. mscorlib

Am I doing something wrong?

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Can you post the definition of the custom field (lookup table, fields and the create table statement)?

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
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Once again, your question was right on. I was using a Unique, auto-increment int for my ID field (which works fine for fetching data on a table I update only through SQL). I changed it to [numeric](10, 0) NOT NULL, and now the PopulateCustomField page works. I get the ID, Project ID, and Value fields.

I was also able to add a sort field to the CF, and still populate the table via the interface, but it does not ask me for a sort value and leaves that field null in the db. I would consider that a bug, unless I'm doing something wrong there, too.

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We have catered for 99% of the people with the lookup population. Usually the sort field is either the description or the key field, so it will work for most users.

Why do you need a different sort field?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

I honestly hadn't thought of using the key field as the sorting field. That will work fine for us. Thank your for all your help!

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