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Create issue (or convert) from Outlook email


For some reason I thought the Outlook plugin already had this...I may have confused it with another product.

I'm looking for an Outlook plugin that will allow a user to click a button, and have it convert the email to an issue. I imagine it working something like this:

1.) User receives support email
2.) User determines this should be a ticket.
3.) User clicks "Create Ticket from E-Mail" button in Outlook
4.) Pop-up asking to confirm which project to add to, subject and description already populated from email contents.
5.) Ticket is created, and attachments (if any) are added to ticket.

Has anyone built this already by any chance?

· 1
Replies (2)
not helpful

Unfortunately, we don't have such add-on.
What we provide is the mailbox processor (part of the scheduler service) which will convert icoming email to issues (configured via the Administration -> Mailbox Processor page).

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

The mailbox processor won't work in an Exchange environment where we do not allow POP3 access.

We went ahead and created an Outlook plugin to handle this task using Gemini Web Services.

· 1