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Issue workflow: back to reporter for approval


In the Gemini configuration we use, issues typically go through the following statusses:

  • Assigned
  • In progress
  • Solved
  • Approval
  • Closed

Of these statusses, Approval is een exception, because Approval requires action form the Reporter, not from the person to which the issue is assigned.

To make sure an issue in status Approval is brought to the attention of the reporter, currently, these issues are assigned to the reporter, so they show up in the "My work" list.

This is not ideal, because these issue where not solved by the reporter, but now they have the same person for reporter and assigned resource.

Is there a way to configure Gemini to make issues show up on the "My work" list of the reporter when the issue has one out a set of specific statusses? Besides Approval, we have a status Feedback required, which is used when the issue cannot be solved without further information or decisions of the reporter.

Thanks in advance.


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Replies (2)
not helpful

Unfotunately, this is not possible. The only way to do this is by purchasing the source code.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Thanks for your reply.

I do not think creating a mod to solve this issue is worth the trouble.

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