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INFO: Where is the web services access code?


As of Germini 2.0.2 the web services access code has been made redundant for all of the web services except Gemini.asmx. This is because these web services are using WSE2.0 SP3, which provides a mechanism for secure user authentication via web services.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
Replies (2)
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I am trying to understand the security on the Gemini Web Services.  I have Gemini installed on a web server on my network, and I installed the WSE program on that server, so that the web services will work.  I then created a VB.Net Windows Form Project, added a Web Reference to this project, and set it up to point at the Gemini web services link:  http://myserver.com/webservices/GeminiWSE.asmx

After that, I was able to create an instance of the Web Service Object in my VB.Net code, and call the GetAllViewableProjects(iUserID) function to return all Viewable projects for my user.  This worked fine.

The problem is that I do not recall at any point giving my computer access to this web service, or entering the Access Code on my computer.  How did the Web Service know that my computer is authorized to access it?  How should I prevent other anonymous users on the internet from obtaining unauthorized access to this web service?


· 1
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Hi Steve,

This a major security issue with this web service. Thanks for letting us know!

Please read: http://community.countersoft.com/forums/thread/254.aspx

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen