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Scheduler 1.3 and notification enhancements + is WSE 3.0 supported?



Is WSE 3.0 supported or is it just 2.0?

Just went through quite a lot of pain getting this installed:

I hope my experience might help others. I think the following enhancement requests will make life easier for users if they use the scheduler:

Enhancement requests

a) Update documentation for scheduler. Make sure it is easily found and navigated on the website.

b) Test messages. When pressing the test button show exactly what happened on the same page rather than on any log area. Obvious items that should be reported back are 1) WSE not installed (with instructions on what/where to install it 2) Gemini scheduler not installed, or wrong version 3) Not being delivered for some reason (e.g. authentication or server not found) etc. Telling the user to look at the system log and the event viewer for more detailed results would be a good idea as well.

Hope this helps!

Nuke AlexS
· 1
Nuke AlexS
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