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Mail Processing GMBP - Smart Matching


I will be posting a few messages on some of the main features of GMBP (Gemini Mail Box Processor). Hopefully this will serve  to encourage you to take a look at it and also facilitate discussion on what you'd like to see included.

GMBP can interrogate your emails and compare them against keywords in your Gemini. For example, if you had a project called 'Gemini Management' anyone writing to report a problem, will most likely write Gemini in the body and probably in the subject. GMBP will look for these words and assign the email to a this project.

Smart matching will work on Project, Component and Type. You can also set defaults should you not want to use Smart Matching, or Smart Matching fails to find a match. This ultimately means you do not need to have all your issues entering the same project under the same Component, Type etc.

Have a look at www.mailboxprocessing.com for more information, a free download or to get in touch.

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