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Index Introduction to Sentry

 3.3        The View Item Page
 6.1        Introduction to Sentry
 6.2        Test Cases
 6.3        Test Plans
 6.4        Test Runner (Executing Tests)
 6.5        Test Run History
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Introduction to Sentry


Sentry is an add-on to Gemini that delivers fully integrated Testing and QA capability. Sentry is delivered as a series of plugins to the Gemini framework and integrates with the rest of Gemini as a Project Template. This uniquely flexible way of delivering testing capability gives Testers the same high degree of functionality and flexibility in their environment as any other Gemini user. Testers can take advantage of the Project Template’s flexibility in the definitions of Process, Status, Workflow, Menus etc. No other testing tool is as flexible.

How Sentry Works

There are 3 core elements to Sentry: Test Cases, Test Plans and the Test Runner.

Test Cases

Test Cases are the basic unit of testing in Gemini. A Test case consists of:

  • Pre-conditions - a description of the anticipated state before the test begins
  • Expected results – a description of what the outcome of the test should be
  • Test Steps – one or more steps that the tester needs to undertake to execute the test case, each step consisting of the action that the tester is expected to take and the expected outcome of said action

Test Plans

A Test Plan pulls together one or more Test Cases. The plan provides a holistic view of what is to be tested. This is the level at which the history of the testing activity, the items that are to be tested and any additional items (bugs/issues) that are raised during testing, are amalgamated.

Test Runner

The Test Runner provides the functionality to execute the Test Cases, step by step, tracking success and failure at every level and allowing the tester to raise new tasks (bugs or issues to be addressed) in the event of test failure.

Tying all of this together is Sentry’s concept of Traceability, the ability to trace back from any failed step to an item (issue/bug) that was tested/raised and vice versa, providing not just fully auditable tests but tests that are intrinsically linked to issues and bugs that are being tracked by Gemini.