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This Gemini community support site can be used to find solutions to product issues. You can log in using Open Id, Google Profile and even Facebook. Feel free to ask a question or browse FAQs and documentation. Product tour videos are also available along with how-to videos demonstrating key Gemini capabilities.

Index Permissions
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 1.6        Using Windows Authentication
 8      People and Permissions
 8.1        Users
 8.2        Groups
 8.3        Permissions
 8.4        Active Directory Integration and Windows Authentication
 10.10.2            Users & Security
admin              User Management
admin              Global and Project Groups
admin              Working with Global Groups
admin              Working with Project Groups
admin              Available Permissions
admin              Project Resources
admin              Assigning Permissions to Projects
admin              Windows Authentication
admin              Active Directory Integration
 10.12.10             Groups API
 10.12.13             Users API
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18 documents found.



Navigate to the Customization section from the Customize link in the top right hand section of the menu. If you are a Gemini Administrator you will then be able to navigate to the People tab and the Permissions sub tab (see below).

Security - Permissions

To Add a new User Permissions set, click on the Add button. You will be prompted to provide:

  • Permission Set Name
  • Description

Click Save to create the Permission Set.

To maintain the description of the Set, click in the field and use Gemini’s inline editing to easily and instantly change the field value. To delete a Permission Set click on the Delete delete icon icon to the right of the screen. If the Set contains members you will be warned that its deletion will result in changes to the permissions of those users and allowed to proceed or abort the operation.

Assigning Permissions to Projects and Users

Once the Permission Set has been created you will need to specify two things:

  1. The projects to which the permissions apply
  2. The Groups that are to be granted the permissions in this Set

To do this, click on the Edit edit icon icon. You will see the following screen:

Security - Permission Assignment

Click in the “Associated Projects” field to get a list of Projects in the system. You can select as many projects as you like to relate to a Permission Set.

Granting permissions on projects to Groups is a simple process of selecting the Groups containing users who have the permission on the specified project(s) in a point-click-select method, against each permission. If a permission is not granted to any Group then by default the action cannot be performed on the projects specified in the “Associated Projects” field. Only those Groups selected to have the specified permission will be able to action it.

Gemini has the following Permissions:

* Please note that in Gemini terminology an ‘item’ represents any type of task. An ‘item’ could therefore be a case, a bug/issue, a story, an inquiry, a document workflow etc. The most generic way to regard an ‘item’ in Gemini is to think of it as a task to be tracked and managed.



Can View Project

The most basic permission, without this a user cannot see the project at all

Can Be Assigned Work

Users with this permission can be assigned as “Resources” to an item. If a user does not have this permission they will not appear in a drop-down list of Resources though they can still be selected through a Custom field of type “User Picker”.

Can Delete Item

Users can delete any item provided the action does not break data integrity rules

Can Move/Copy Item

Users can move items between projects and can create new items

Can Perform Bulk Operations

Users have access to the Bulk Update tool which can change field values on multiple items simultaneously

Can Delete Comment

Users can delete any comment

Can Only Delete Own Comment

Users can only delete their own comments (Users can always edit their own comments)

Can Only View Own Items

Users can only see items they created or which are assigned to them (usually given to external users)

Can Only Amend Own Items

Users can only amend items they have created

Can Only Delete Own Items

Users can only delete items they have created provided the action does not break data integrity rules

Can Sequence Items

Users are allowed access to the Sequence Zone on The Grid

Can Manage Documents

Users are allowed to upload, reload and delete documents

Can Manage Planner Board

Users are allowed to use the Visual Planner to change data values

Can Manage Components

Users can create and amend Project Components (must have access to “Settings” in the project menu)

Can Manage Versions

Users can create and amend Versions (must have access to “Settings” in the project menu)

Can Manage Group Membership

Users can manage Groups (usually given to PMs to let them control Project Group Membership)

Can Set Project Default Values

Users can define default values for the fields that the project uses, which will be applied when items are created.

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