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Index Groups
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 1.6        Using Windows Authentication
 8      People and Permissions
 8.1        Users
 8.2        Groups
 8.3        Permissions
 8.4        Active Directory Integration and Windows Authentication
 10.10.2            Users & Security
admin              User Management
admin              Global and Project Groups
admin              Working with Global Groups
admin              Working with Project Groups
admin              Available Permissions
admin              Project Resources
admin              Assigning Permissions to Projects
admin              Windows Authentication
admin              Active Directory Integration
 10.12.10             Groups API
 10.12.13             Users API
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18 documents found.



Groups – Controlling Project Access

Adding and Maintaining

Prior to version 5 of Gemini there were Project Groups and Global Groups, the former had permissions that related to specific projects and the latter have permissions across all projects. The ability to define user permissions globally, or on a per-project basis, remains but from release 5 the maintenance of these two groups has been consolidated to make it easier for administrators and there are now only Groups.

Navigate to the Customization section from the Customize link in the top right hand section of the menu. If you have the appropriate permission you will then be able to navigate to the People tab and the Groups sub tab (see below).

Security - Groups

To Add a new Group, click on the Add button, you will be prompted to provide:

  • Group Name
  • Description

Click Save to create the Group

To maintain the description of the Group, you click in the field and use Gemini’s inline editing to easily and instantly change the description value. To delete a Group click on the Delete delete icon icon to the right of the screen. If a Group contains members you will be warned that deletion of the group would result in changes to the project permissions of those users and allowed to proceed or abort the operation.


To specify which users are members of a Group, click on the Members link. Gemini will show you members at two levels, at the highest level you can define members of a group as members of that group across all projects, or you can specify that people are members of a group only on specified projects. 

People who are members at an all projects level are automatically removed from the list of users who can be members at a project level.

Click on the link on the members screen to be presented with a multi-select list of users in the system from whom you may choose Group members.

Note: You must click on the tick next to the list of members to save it.


Interaction Groups - Sharing

Gemini AppNav cards allow users to share views and data. To determine which groups can share AppNav Cards, click on the Edit edit icon icon on the right of the screen after the Group has been created. You will then see a multi-select drop-down for all of the User Groups in the system that members of the Project Group you have just created can share with.

Project Group Sharing

This ability to share AppNav cards, otherwise referred to in Gemini as Interaction (and therefore these are Interaction Groups) is about the right to interact with one or more user groups for information sharing and collaboration and not about the permissions that users require in order to perform specific functions within a project, which is covered in Permissions.

Assigning Groups to Projects

Once the Group has been created you will need to define the projects that the Group can access and its members. To setup Project Group membership, click on the “Members” hyperlink. You will see the following screen:

Membership Image

Users that are added to the All Projects group automatically have access to all projects and therefore are Global Users. To have Project Specific Users simply click on the hyperlink on the right of the project(s) you wish them to access and select the users from the multi-select drop-down list, which will show you the user names. Global Users who are members of the All Projects group will not be available to select for Project Groups as by definition they have access to every project anyway.

It is important to note that access to All Projects in a specified Group does not transfer across Groups but it does transfer across the system.

For example: 

Joe is a software developer and Sandra is a Project Manager.

Joe is a member of the Group “Developers” and Sandra is not. In the Group “Developers”, Joe has access to All Projects.

Sandra is a member of the Group “PMO” and Joe is not. In the Group “PMO”, Sandra has access to All Projects.

Group Member Access
Developers Joe All Projects
PMO Sandra All Projects

In this example, Joe and Sandra have access to All Projects granted through their respective Groups, which represent their job functions or similar organization. Even if Joe or Sandra were to be given Project-specific access in another Group, provided they have All Projects in one group then they have global access. This way, it is possible to separate Groups by giving them descriptive names and to control within the appropriately named Group the right project access

Active Directory and Gemini Groups

If your system is configured to work with Active Directory (Navigation: Configuration…System…Active Directory), and the setting “Synch With Active Directory” is checked, then when you edit the Group Screen it will look like the one below:

Security - Active Directory

The additional field Active Directory Groups is displayed and will allow you to select one or more Active Directory Groups to map to Gemini Groups.

If the System setting “Add new users to Gemini found in Active Directory” is set as well as “Synch With Active Directory” then Gemini will poll Active Directory (by default hourly) and any new users that it finds in Active Directory Groups that are synchronized with Gemini Groups will automatically be added to Gemini giving you a single point of maintenance (AD) for your users.

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