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SMTP and Notifications



SMTP server configuration ensures that Gemini can sent out email alerts when certain events take place, such as new Item creation or existing Item updates, etc.


SMTP Server

Specify the server name or IP address of your SMTP server.

SMTP Server Port

Specify the (open) port number used by the SMTP – it is usually port 25.

POP3 Before SMTP Send

State whether you want to POP3 before you send an email.

Authentication Mode

NTLM should be used where the SMTP server expects Windows Authentication.

Authentication Username

SMTP username for authentication, if any.

Authentication Password

SMTP password for authentication, if any.


State whether the SMTP expects SSL communication.

SMTP SSL Protocol

State the SSL communication protocol.

SMTP Encoding Type

State the type of encoding for the body of the email message.

Debug Mode

When debug mode is enabled, verbose logging information is written the root of the C drive. 


Specifies the interval period for the Gemini Scheduler Service (separate download and install). For example, setting this value to the “15” would mean that the Scheduler will check for pending email notifications every 15 minutes (and thereby reduce email traffic).


Notification settings control global default values that apply to Projects and Users.


The Email Item Creator option determines if an automated email is sent to the person who creates a new item, essentially confirming the details of their new item.

The Email Item Resource option determines if an automated email is sent to the person(s) who have been assigned an item to work upon.

The Email Alerts Enabled option globally enables or disables alerts.

The Email Alert Engine option allows the Gemini Scheduler Service to interact with Gemini to send out batched email alerts.

The From Email Address is used on all emails produced.

The From Display Name is used on all emails produced.

The Configure Email Alerts options turn on or off the different alert types globally across all projects.