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A Better Way To Filter Your Project

Tuesday, December 27, 2011, 1:28:16 PM

For Gemini 3.6 we have re-designed the existing Issues Filter box and replaced it with what we we believe to be a better way to filtering your Issues base. The main design drivers:

  • Dynamic filters that responded to selected Projects; select two or more Projects and watch the Components list auto-magically update.
  • Jump quickly to fields you want to filter on without having to scroll around.
  • Clutter-free; having multiple list boxes one after the other really isn’t pleasing to the eye.  Less is more?

So here’s a first-look at the new Issues Filter:

Gemini Issues Filter

When you click on a filter item like Projects, you get a popup list to help you select your desired items:

Gemini Projects Filter

Projects are organized by their label and when you change your Projects list, other filter options like Components load dynamically the appropriate items:

Gemini Project Components Filter

The Components are organized by Project Name and then by their hierarchy.  Nice, easy, intuitive user experience!

Finally, other filter items are more intelligent and they only show items for the selected Projects:

Gemini Filter